Get ready for a different/improved WONCA Europe conference in 2015
Richard Roberts
“What would you like to see different/improved in WONCA Europe 2015 conference?” is a more challenging task that I would have imagined. Each of the many WONCA Europe conferences I have attended have been excellent, although each was unique. I very much enjoy the opportunity to sit down informally with family doctors from different countries to discuss issues of mutual concern. I find it especially interesting to have a mixed group of older and younger male and family doctors from countries that are wealthy and not so wealthy. In this way, I learn more about my own health care system as I reflect on how colleagues in different countries address problems similar to the ones I have in my practice. Perhaps such opportunities could be built into the schedule around various themes. For example, having round table discussions on electronic health records, practice organization and work flow, after hours coverage, etc., might stimulate interesting and helpful discussion. To make such sessions successful will require some organization by the Host Organizing Committee, such as a room for the round table discussions, leaders or facilitators of the discussion, and so on.
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