Early registration is extended to July 1st, 2015.
Upon heavy demand and expectation, the early bird registration deadline is extended to July 1st, 2015. The early registration will end at 24:00 (GMT +2) on July 1st.
The deadline for authors to complete registration payment for their accepted abstracts is extended to August 1st, 2015. However, in order to use advantage of early registration rates we advice authors to complete payment before the early registration deadline.
Good News About BRITE
The abstract deadline has just finished. However submission for BRITEs is still going until all vacancies for the main BRITE titlles are full. You can see main titles for BRITES on congress web site https://wonca2015.org/abstracts/brites.
BRITE is the way to be speaker at the congress. BRITEs reflect personal experiences of physicians. So everyone can submit BRITE.
